La vida acostuma a ser un seguit de compromisos entre el que és bo i el que és millor. I també entre el dolent i el pitjor. Això passa a nivell personal, però també a nivell global. I un bon exemple el tenim en la història de l’insecticida més famós de tots, el Diclor–Difenil–Tricloroetà, més conegut com DDT.
La molècula de DDT es va sintetitzar per primera vegada al 1873, però van haver de passar quasi 50 anys abans no es van adonar que era un excel·lent insecticida. Per aquest descobriment, en Paul Hermann Muller va guanyar el premi Nobel de medicina al 1948. Això indica que, inicialment, el DDT va ser un gran avenç per la salut.
I realment ho va ser. Ara les sigles DDT s’associen a la contaminació del medi ambient amb productes químics. Però cal recordar que Europa i Nord-Amèrica van poder erradicar la malària i el tifus gràcies al DDT, que matava els mosquits que feien de portadors.
De totes maneres, va ser en l’agricultura on es va fer servir en quantitats més importants. Per fi es disposava d'eines per combatre les plagues i assegurar que les collites no serien devastades pels insectes. Per tant, es van fumigar els camps de conreu amb tones i tones de DDT.
Però el DDT té un costat fosc, degut a un parell de característiques empipadores. La primera és que, efectivament afecta als artròpodes, però no és tant selectiu com voldríem i també té efectes sobre altres animals... incloent als humans. Sembla que hi ha una certa correlació entre el DDT i algun tipus de càncer en humans, tot i que les dades son discutides ja que la toxicitat és molt baixa. Bastant més tòxic resulta per alguns peixos i molts ocells.
L’altre problema és que el DDT és un producte molt estable. No es degrada, no es digereix, no desapareix i s’acumula en el greix... La qual cosa vol dir que mica a mica es va acumulant en la cadena tròfica. Cada animal que absorbeix DDT l’acumula. Els qui es mengen aquests animals acumulen més i així successivament... i per moltíssims anys. Avui en dia encara es pot detectar DDT en molts llocs, com ara el greix dels pingüins o la sang i, sobretot, la llet de molts animals inclosos els humans. I això que entre el 1970 i 1980 es va anar prohibint el seu us a quasi tot arreu.
Però ara hi ha indrets on reclamen poder tornar a emprar el DDT. Argumenten, i no sense raó, que el necessiten per lluitar contra la malària. De fet, mor més gent per malària que per intoxicació amb DDT. I l’us per combatre els mosquits no requereix ni molt menys les quantitats enormes que feia servir l’agricultura. A més, de vegades, per evitar l’us de DDT fan servir altres insecticides amb menys mala fama, però que en realitat son més tòxics.
Per tant, que fer? seguir empastifant el medi ambient? O deixar que la malària segueixi causant estralls? Malgrat que les opcions en realitat no son tant de blanc o negre, la resposta no és fàcil.
La molècula de DDT es va sintetitzar per primera vegada al 1873, però van haver de passar quasi 50 anys abans no es van adonar que era un excel·lent insecticida. Per aquest descobriment, en Paul Hermann Muller va guanyar el premi Nobel de medicina al 1948. Això indica que, inicialment, el DDT va ser un gran avenç per la salut.
I realment ho va ser. Ara les sigles DDT s’associen a la contaminació del medi ambient amb productes químics. Però cal recordar que Europa i Nord-Amèrica van poder erradicar la malària i el tifus gràcies al DDT, que matava els mosquits que feien de portadors.
De totes maneres, va ser en l’agricultura on es va fer servir en quantitats més importants. Per fi es disposava d'eines per combatre les plagues i assegurar que les collites no serien devastades pels insectes. Per tant, es van fumigar els camps de conreu amb tones i tones de DDT.
Però el DDT té un costat fosc, degut a un parell de característiques empipadores. La primera és que, efectivament afecta als artròpodes, però no és tant selectiu com voldríem i també té efectes sobre altres animals... incloent als humans. Sembla que hi ha una certa correlació entre el DDT i algun tipus de càncer en humans, tot i que les dades son discutides ja que la toxicitat és molt baixa. Bastant més tòxic resulta per alguns peixos i molts ocells.
L’altre problema és que el DDT és un producte molt estable. No es degrada, no es digereix, no desapareix i s’acumula en el greix... La qual cosa vol dir que mica a mica es va acumulant en la cadena tròfica. Cada animal que absorbeix DDT l’acumula. Els qui es mengen aquests animals acumulen més i així successivament... i per moltíssims anys. Avui en dia encara es pot detectar DDT en molts llocs, com ara el greix dels pingüins o la sang i, sobretot, la llet de molts animals inclosos els humans. I això que entre el 1970 i 1980 es va anar prohibint el seu us a quasi tot arreu.
Però ara hi ha indrets on reclamen poder tornar a emprar el DDT. Argumenten, i no sense raó, que el necessiten per lluitar contra la malària. De fet, mor més gent per malària que per intoxicació amb DDT. I l’us per combatre els mosquits no requereix ni molt menys les quantitats enormes que feia servir l’agricultura. A més, de vegades, per evitar l’us de DDT fan servir altres insecticides amb menys mala fama, però que en realitat son més tòxics.
Per tant, que fer? seguir empastifant el medi ambient? O deixar que la malària segueixi causant estralls? Malgrat que les opcions en realitat no son tant de blanc o negre, la resposta no és fàcil.
143 comentaris :
DDT? El millor per matar a quatre cuques és l'aigua! N'hi tires un bon raig i les cuques no tornen. És molt més barat i sa!!
Je je. El problema deu ser que a l'Africa van molt escassos d'aigua.
Totalment d'acord. Sempre m'han fet molta pena aquests bons invents que en el seu moment van representar un avenç formidable però que han acabat caient en desús a causa dels seus també importants desavantatges.
Fa un parell d'anys vaig estar llegint sobre la famosa talidomida, que va dur a tots aquells casos de terribles mutacions en nounats, arran de la qual cosa es va prohibir a molts països. Però ara a països del Tercer Món la volen reintroduir perquè és eficaç per combatre la lepra; caldrà anar amb precaució de no donar-la a embarassades.
Un exemple molt be el de la talidomida. Ara es torna a estudiar, pero ha estat relegada durant molt temps.
Un altre exemple: Potser algun dia a Espanya es podra tornar a consumir oli de colza, que en realitat es bo (si no l'han desnaturalizat amb anilines)
Hola! jo estudio això i crec que esta molt ben explicat! ho tinc que dir en un examen! espero que tregui una bona nota! la te la diré! xd
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This type of herb hails from an isolated area in Brazil. Gentiv Ultra It is a member of a family of herbs which specifically targets the aid of penis enlargement. Because of its function, it has been commonly named as the "Potency Bark" in a locale of which is has originated.
Healthy weight loss takes time, ketozol effort and a lifelong commitment to weight loss maintenance. The only safe weight loss is to lose weight gradually with proper diet plans and moderate exercise.
Another kind of stimulant free weight loss supplement is the carb blocker. It works by preventing your body from storing the fats coming from the carbohydrates that you eat. Mega Keto Diet Their results for weight loss vary from person to person and they are also prescribed for those diagnosed with diabetes. The main ingredient in carb blockers is the extract coming from wheat germ and white kidney bean.
Follow a certain pattern and push yourself to attain a higher intensity level each week for maximum weight loss benefits. KetoVit Forskolin Once you start following the right technique under proper guidance and proper weight loss diet, you would start to see solid changes. Remember your body only adapts to weight loss when it's done effectively and not forcibly.
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In a 2001 study at Brown Medical School, two groups of people desiring to lose weight were monitored for a period of six months. Swift Trim Keto One group received weekly dieting advice from behavioral therapists on the Internet, while the other merely had access to information about good nutrition and exercise.
Anabol Naturals, has one of the best Amino Acids GH Releasers in caps, Tropical Oasis has Sleep A weigh in Liquid, works when one is sleeping to advance weight Loss. Emotions rule us, Keto Slim RX instead of grabbing everything in the fridge Grab a Protein Shake instead. Muscle Milk, a little more calories, but so yummy in all their flavors, you won't be able to put it down. And grab a bar with it, such as Low Carb Atkins or Zone Perfect Bar.
If you're among those men who are looking for the best male enhancement solutions that can help to cure your dysfunctions, Orviax then you might have come across the different types of male enhancement exercises which are recommended by some medical experts. But then, you might also start to wonder if these exercises are way better than taking the best male enhancement pills to be able to address your manhood problems.
At this stage of my Fun Factor Diet, you will make a deliberate effort to take yourself and your expectations less seriously. You will adopt a kindlier stance toward your fears and inconsistencies because you have been much too hard on yourself. Amayze Life Keto The results will be a dramatic lightness (both figuratively and literally) of mind, body, and spirit.
My passion has always been working with people desiring to be thinner who have failed at one diet after another. Over the years, I've come to know one thing for sure - permanent weight loss is possible. There is no quick fix however; it takes time and commitment. Himbeer Ketone With support, guidance, and accurate information my clients are able to lose weight and keep it off without unhealthy dieting and deprivation. What they must bring to the table, however, is commitment.
You need to understand that a slow and steady weight loss will beat a drastic weight reduction over the long haul every time. Even more importantly than the permanence (or lack thereof) of your weight loss, you will suffer fewer adverse health consequences as a result of your diet plan by taking it slow and steady. Ultra Fast Keto Boost
Most Penis enlargement techniques are expensive, awkward and, let's face it, useless. Orviax Male Enhancement I had a pile of failed products in my closest that were a constant reminder for what I really wanted and that was to get bigger. These products failed because they ignore the KEY principle to any form of natural growth - they ignore the body! I finally found a method to give me the extra inches I have always wanted. Want to know how I did?
Genesis Keto In response to this sharp increase in blood glucose, corresponding amounts of insulin are released by the pancreas to quickly clear the glucose from the blood given its toxic impact on internal organs such as the kidneys. Insulin escorts the glucose into the cells of the body where it is used to produce the energy that all cells need in order to carry out their specific function.
Stand in front of a full length mirror and admire three things about your figure. Take pictures of yourself with your digital camera or web cam, and create that portfolio of you - and a little more beauty advice here: admire that portfolio often, add to it whenever you can. FairyMines
However, Nuvo Ketosis Diet how effective are these methods in making one lose weight healthily? One of the unconventional weight loss methods is hypnosis. In this process, the patient is subjected to a process that results in erasing his cravings and desire to binge. Many would-be hypnosis experts claim that hypnosis is natural and cannot harm you in any way.
In other words, Keto Pharm don't deprive yourself of food. Simply choose healthy snacks and you can eat as much as you want and never be hungry.
Gout usually occurs in men over 40 and is caused by the elevated blood levels of uric acid which forms crystals in the joints causing them to become inflamed and painful. Pharma Flex RX The immune system reacts to these crystals as if they were foreign invaders. Avoid excessive amounts of red meat, alcohol and sugar to keep gout at bay.
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Imagine waking up in the morning pulling on your jeans and realizing that they are way too big. slim x genie keto That fantasy can become a reality if you can implement these quick weight loss tips into your lifestyle. Quick weight loss tips like changing the water you drink, the type of cereal you eat, and the starches in your diet. These are things that can be done on a daily basis to change the way you look permanently.
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Many patients, however, decide Revolyn Keto Burn they want to go the less expensive and natural way by strict diet and exercise but are concerned about the loose skin. Our doctors always tell patients to be realistic, being healthy is far more important than having loose skin.
Unlimited information is provided to you on the internet about these diet plans and weight loss programs, including their pros and cons and health benefits. Pro Vita Keto There are various blogs and forums where the users can avail information about personal experiences of the users who have followed these diets. There are also expert and professional guidance provided on these matters which can be very useful to those people who want to shed of weight. The information of the internet should be used for understanding the impact of these weight loss diets.
The best form of these weight loss diets includes eating frequent but healthy meals so that the body's metabolic rate is active. Starvation will only increase fat deposits in the body, which will make you fatter in the long run. At least 6 meals, Keto Plus Pro low in fat and carbs should be consumed to lose weight.
Weight loss drugs can be a beneficial component of a healthy weight loss program if integrated correctly Super Fast Keto Boost . It is important to remember that there is not magic pill or diet drug that will help you instantly lose weight.
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When you are looking to use weight loss pills, you'll find that they can complement a good exercise program, Keto Regime but you have to think about whether not they are safe.
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We unwittingly elicit the Stress Response in our bodies through holding recurring muscle tension; Upright Go Posture Training through anxiety, worry, and catastrophic thinking; through lack of exercise and proper sleep; through a hectic, fast-paced stressful daily life.
I see it every day, and I used to see it in the mirror in the past, the fat rolls, Bionatrol Keto Burn the chubby fat skin, the fat faces, the big asses. Yes its not very nice, but if you are a realist like me, you will notice that most people you see are fat and over weight.
While following any weight loss plan there are certain factors which should be considered. The first is that a weigh loss plan that worked for your friend may not show the same results on you. Ultra Fast Keto Boost
The secret to burning up calories for natural weight loss is to increase your heart rate for at least fifteen minutes to burn calories every day. Keto Extreme It will also help to increase your muscle mass and make you look more toned. Because muscle burns fat even when you're resting once you get into this new routine your summer weight loss will become more effortless as time goes by.
I recommend you use your common sense when you choose a diet plan, Bionatrol Keto opt for a plan that you are willing to commit to and can enjoy and you will have a much better chance of losing weight and keeping the weight off.
While reputable companies will be reasonable with you on this, Eminence Vitality Keto there are lots and lots of others who would tell you in no uncertain terms that there is never any refund for any amount once you have been billed.
Losing weight can be a struggle and the increasing amount of bad information in the industry does not help matters. Ultra Fast Pure Keto However, with the right tools weight loss is possible. I hope this article keeps you focussed on your weight loss goals by identifying some of the obstacles that you need to avoid.
This is an area of some controversy. Balanced Max Keto Though there have not been any studies indicating any adverse long-term effects of being on a keto diet, many experts now believe that the body may develop a "resistance" to the benefits of ketosis unless one regularly cycles in and out of it. In addition, eating a very high-fat diet in the long-term may not be suitable for all body types
body's needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. Bionatrol Keto Burn
I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan
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mainstream medications are not designed to improve fertility, increase desire, semen volume or penis size. KSZ Male Enhancement While Viagra and Cialis receive the most exposure due to the large advertising budgets of their manufactures there are also many other male supplement pills available on the internet. The male sexual enhancers available on the internet generally fall into three categories.
Memory however is restricted or reserved, since the subconscious mind will often suppress events, persons, period, and subjects. genbrain We may have bits and pieces of information, yet it does not allow us to put a whole picture together by using the conscious mind. Thus, we have to learn how to let the memories flow, and pull from resources within the subconscious mind to find ways to relax.
Weight Loss Fact: There are numerous studies that show that people. Insta Keto who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be a lot heavier than who have a healthy nutritional breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals during the day. The reason to this might be the fact that they get hungrier later on in the day, and might have a tendency to over eat during other meals of the day.
Anti-Aging creams have existed for a long time, and they have lately been flooding today's beauty market. Emylia Cream Reviews While some of these products have been proven to reduce the appearance of aging, no product will be able to completely erase these signs. If you want an anti-aging cream, check out the cream first to prevent purchasing from sellers of ineffective creams. It is an extra step, but believe us it is a step worth taking.
Semen pills are designed to either increase semen volume, increase sperm fertility or both. Men looking to increase semen volume take these products to increase the strength, duration and intensity of ejaculations. Andezal Male Enhancement This is because men can increase ejaculations by increasing semen volume. Semen volume pills are usually responsible for the "cumshot" scenes found in adult movies. Many volume pills also enhance pleasure, increase libido and have positive effects on sperm unless they are solely intended for male fertility improvement
Christmas trees, like other trees, have different shapes and qualities. Best Fiber Optic Christmas Trees The most favorite Christmas trees basically have a pyramid or cone shape that make them more popular than others. These include the Douglas, Fraser, Noble and Balsam firs, and the Scotch, Virginia and white pine trees.
Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down.Nature Active Keto You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.
Mainstream medications are not designed to improve fertility, increase desire, semen volume or penis size. centallus rx male enhancement While Viagra and Cialis receive the most exposure due to the large advertising budgets of their manufactures there are also many other male supplement pills available on the internet. The male sexual enhancers available on the internet generally fall into three categories.
Eating three adjusted, direct parcel dinners a day-with the fundamental supper at early afternoon is a more powerful approach to anticipate corpulence than fasting or crash diets, Tier 2 Keto Reviewswhich persuade the body that there is a progressing starvation. Advanced medication has discovered approaches to augment our life expectancy through dietary limitation.For your wellbeing, dependably counsel your specialist before making any noteworthy dietary, nourishing or way of life changes.
Whether you buy from a Christmas tree farm or from a retailer's lot a critical quality to consider in selecting the right tree is its size. Before buying a tree, modern Christmas tree it's important to decide where it will be placed in your home so that the space can be measured. You will need to do a floor to ceiling measurement and then subtract at least 10-12 inches to get the maximum height of the Christmas tree you are to select. It is recommended that at least 10-12 inches of space should be between the top of the Christmas tree and the ceiling. This height issue works both ways.
A very much adjusted diminished calorie abstain from food containing moderate fat is suggested.Instant Keto The consideration of various types of organic products into weight loss eating methodologies is a sound method for managing starvation, and additionally giving the body those supplements and vitamins it needs to work legitimately.Exercise While You Diet: Weight loss is about lessening your caloric admission
Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight; utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it.Velocity Trim Keto Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.decades, and most are compelling, as in they do normally prompt significant weight reduction.
Weight loss is just one of the many benefits of taking detox diet supplements or pills.Instant Keto Detox pills help you get slimmer since there is a considerable reduction in water weight. It improves the functioning of the digestive system and the liver, helping you get more nutrients from the foods you eat. There is also noticeable acne reduction and surface wrinkles removal. Above all these benefits, your health will greatly improve while you still lose weight.
A big question that people ask is whether detox weight loss supplements work or not Keto Pro Avis Detox weight loss supplements contain antioxidants and other active ingredients that work more than to help you to lose weight, but also boost your metabolism and improve your immune system for you to stay healthy. These detox supplements for weight loss make you feel more energized and healthier by removing the toxins from your body and improve the health of your digestive system
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Dietitians are nutritionists Anatomy Keto who work straightforwardly with customers or patients in regards to their healthful needs. Abstaining from food lessens your caloric admission however practicing helps you blaze more calories. Eat less carbs Weight misfortune is fundamental if corpulence is available. Consuming less calories is simpler than you ever envisioned. On a veggie lover eat less carbs, weight loss shouldn't be an issue.A very much adjusted diminished calorie abstain from food containing moderate fat is suggested. The consideration of various types of organic products into weight loss eating methodologies is a sound method for managing starvation, and additionally giving the body those supplements and vitamins it needs to work legitimately.
Reduce your consumption of carbohydrates instead of going cold turkey. For example, set a goal for 30 days and reduce your carbohydrate intake over the course of a month so that once you are at your carbohydrate goal, it is easier to maintain.
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SurgenX Keto is going to be operating the quality in case you use a constantly for 3 months. Usually, one-of-a-kind humans have a exclusive revel in with the product, and this is glaring by the reality that there's a extraordinary type of critiques gift all over the internet. The actual gain goes to be decided via how severely you take on top of things your complete workout and weight loss program.!MGFhZDBj:surgenx-keto-reviews-%7Bshark-tank%7D-scam-or-a-legit-deal%3F
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The general healthy eating plan for SurgenXKeto is simple. Together with taking the complement you have to take low carb meals together with eggs, dairy, low carb vegetables, and dairy. Along side this guarantee to drink plenty of water to maintain yourself hydrated. Continuously take the pills along side proper healthy eating plan for effective weight loss outcomes.
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The researcher tried to see if this clearly turned into the case. In his observe, he noticed that after the patch changed into applied to the body, it did turn black by using the morning. However, when the patch came in contact with distilled water, it turned black too.
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devour veggies linear unit fruit: they're complete of fiber, low in carbohydrates linear unit can hold you saturated. Similarly, fruit can satisfy the yearning for sugar.
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not have the presence or oils or fats in them such as butter. Burning fat does not need one to go on a starvation diet; in fact the opposite is true. The aim is to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables interlaced with low calorie proteins, BioNatrol Keto Burn
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iv. Products that claim they will block absorption of calories or fat and lead to substantial weight loss.
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